Curiosities About Coffee

  • The first western customers?

Initially, it was consumed only in the premises of the aristocracy and high society. It took a long time for it to spread to the rest of society.

  • Coffee as a wake-up drink!

While coffee was once difficult to afford for the lower classes and considered an elite product, before it, beer was the wake-up drink. Currently, coffee is considered an integral part of every breakfast menu. Today it is the most popular drink after water and tea: approximately 1.6 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day in the world.

  • The country with the highest consumption of coffee?

Many think that it is Italy, being one of the countries that promotes its brands the most and that has many of them, but in fact the highest consumption per capita is in Finland with an amount of 12 kg of coffee per year.

  • Best time to drink it?

Some studies show that the most convenient time to consume coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30 in the morning.

  • Coffee helps weight loss!

The best time for caffeine to do its job of burning fat in the body is at the end of a meal. A cup of coffee with as little sugar as possible after lunch or dinner, hot and delicious, is really medicine. It also helps digestion and boosts the metabolic process.

  • Decaffeinato is not completely decaffeinated…

Decaffeinated coffee is not completely like that because the process through which it is obtained processes exactly the coffee beans, which means that it is not possible to completely eliminate caffeine, but its effects are minimal.

  • Curative effects!

Coffee can serve as medicine. Studies in recent years have revealed that coffee consumption reduces the risk of many diseases such as: breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, reduces the risk of depression, etc.

  • The effect on athletes!

Tests in various sports disciplines show that caffeine helps to increase performance. In the case of a cycling race, 14 athletes who had consumed coffee an hour before the start of the race had 2% more energy and speed compared to other cyclists.

  • No dehydrating properties!

By consuming coffee, the body does not lose more fluids than it absorbs. For this reason, coffee does not have to be accompanied by a glass of water.

  • Coffee as a source of inspiration!

Beyond its physical features and qualities, it has also served as a "muse" of inspiration for famous artists. There are many works that embody coffee, some of them bear the signature of the famous painters Renoir, Manet, Van Gogh or the composer Joan Sebastian Bach who composed for him the "Coffee Cantate" and which was played for the first time in Germany in 1732.


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